Awards Methodology

Nominate your Business in INDIA TRADE AWARDS

Enhance your business reputation, attract new customers and make your brand successful and the most reliable!

Step 1 : Nominations
Step 2 : Screening
Step 3 : Short Listing
Step 4 : Selection
Step 5 : Award Presentations
  • 1.
    Nomination Period
    20th MARCH 2024
  • 2.
    Screening & Shortlisting
    31st MARCH 2024
  • 3.
    1st APRIL 2024
  • 4.
    Awards Presentation Event
    20th APRIL 2024

1. Award Nominations


Businesses need to nominate themselves to contest for the awards. Only those businesses which nominate will be considered for the award process.


Every business can nominate itself for the award in more than 1 category.


The awards acknowledge and recognize businesses for innovative and effective use of IT to achieve business objectives. This may involve one or multiple projects over the year. The projects must have been initiated no earlier than CY 2020 to 2021 and must have at least one milestone completed in 2022. Hence on-going projects will be considered and all data provided must be with respect to the completed milestone only.


Nominees will be required to fill in a self-assessment tool kit as part of the nomination process. The self assessment tool kit is a word document to capture information regarding the business and the projects concerned.


Nominees will be required to submit the required business documents mentioned in the self-assessment tool kit.


The entries will be judged solely based on the information provided by the nominee in the self - assessment tool kit. Incomplete self-assessment tool kits will not be eligible for further evaluation process.


Award nominees need not to worry as the whole nomination process and the documents submitted will be kept confidential between AATCOC & Nominee only.


Award Nominees need to pay a non refundable nomination & Audit fee of INR 10,000/ + 18% GST which includes auditing charges & General membership of AATCOC (worth INR 10,000)


All Nominees will get a Award Nomination video, certificate of ITA regardless of winning or not.

2. Screening


An initial screening of the received self-assessment tool kits will be carried out. Incomplete and incorrect category nominations will be filtered out


The contact person / representative of the nominee may be contacted for a telephonic discussion in case of clarification requirements on any details.

3. Shortlisting


The awards shortlisted businesses will be chosen on a combination of research and framework developed by an expert team of AATCOC analysts and Jury.


3 nominations per award category (subject to conditions like total number of received nominations) will be shortlisted by the AATCOC team.


The short listing will be done on a number of quantitative and qualitative criteria. The parameters are broadly described in the nomination form:


The contact person / representative of the nominee may be contacted for a telephonic discussion in case of clarification requirements on any details.


Shortlisted applications will be sent to the Jury for further evaluation.

4. Selection


The shortlisted nominee will be judged on the business need / challenge and the success in enabling them to meet the business objectives.


A distinguished jury panel comprising of industry thought leaders will deliberate and rate the shortlisted nominee for each award category & the winners will be finalized.


Selected winners need to pay event charges of INR 15,000+GST which includes (table booking, Food Services, Awards and live entertainment, Award presentation Photos & videos)

5. Awards Presentation


The awards honourees’ thus selected based on a process involving a combination of research, and experience of renowned jury panel will be declared “WINNER” at the India Trade Awards occasion.


We will recognize the awardee(s) with a memento, & Certificate of winning.


Only Winners can use the Award, certificates, Trademarked Logo of India Trade Awards for their business marketing purposes.